Who is Yash?

Hello there! I am a third year BBA-IT student currently at Symbiosis, Pune. I love web development and want to make mind-blowing websites. I love how I have reacted to beautiful animated websites and I want to make even better ones for others to be suprised!😇

I like to learn by doing it first! Keep scrolling🥳


I am learning HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Git and Python. Learning more about them everyday!


I have tried some projects from neogcamp. You can find some of my initial projects on the link below. Click away!

See Projects


I am trying to write about what I learn. Seems like a great way to learn right?

See My Blogs

Know more about me

I like to dance, listen to rap and watch movies and shows(action and thriller usually). I am also curious about a lot of things and love to learn something new.

Apart from learning web development, I am also interested in Marketing, Advertising and Finance.